Bee-bop on in to Room 10!

2011-2012 Classroom Tour

Welcome in!  Here's the view from the door!
The writing table- you'll get to work here during Daily Five and Writing Workshop if you wish!  The green box holds story starters, the white drawers have sight words, fancy papers, and spelling helpers.  The purple box on top holds fun writing utensils!  Inside the red box is a special stamp that will get stamped into your writing notebook each day during writing workshop!
This is where you will meet with me during Daily Five or Writing Workshop.  I'll use our easel for lots of lessons!
These are books and supplies we'll use during Daily Five and Writing Workshop. 
This is our calendar area.  You will get to be the leader on your snack day.  We talk about the days of the week, tell time, count money, graph weather, and you'll even get to have a "brain bender" with our place value chart!  
This shelf has math games, things to do if you finish early, and a shelf of games and toys for free choice on Friday and indoor recess!
This is where we'll have our class meeting each day!  We will sit in a circle to greet each other, do a fun activity, and then you'll go to your spot on the rug for a reading/writing mini-lesson!
These are our free choice minutes!  Someone in your group will have a basket on the side of their desk, just like this! Your group will have the chance to earn these during the week and then redeem them on Friday for play-time in the classroom!  You can earn them for good group choices... but you can lose them too!
This is part of our classroom library.  We have hundreds of books to choose from!
More of our library!
The colorful buckets hold our "word work" activites for Daily Five!  
Here's what it looks like behind MY desk!
Here are our "buckets" for bucket filling!  We will learn how to be "bucket fillers" and will check our "buckets" each Friday!  
  The bucket filling book and a bucket full of bucket filler cards (what a tongue twister!) hangs next to the buckets!
Here's the beautiful bookcase my friend, Meredith, painted for us!  We are so lucky to have something so cool in our classroom!
This is our listening area.  You will use these things during Daily Five.
Yee-Haw!  Happy Birthday, Pardner! 
This is our "Star Effort" board.  Whenever someone gives a "Star Effort", I will display their good work here!
Here's where you'll check out Thursday Book Bags!  I've made five new ones for the 2011-2012 school year and can't wait to show them to you!  
  This is our "Howdy Helpers" job board.  You'll have a job each week to help keep our classroom running smoothly!

Teachers- if you have a question about one of these photos, please check my Frequently Asked Questions for Teachers Page!  I have explained a few of the photos there.


© Christina Bainbridge 

You may not copy any wording, formatting, or images from this site.

graphics © Thistle Girl Designs